Thursday 9 November 2017

This morning link:

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Visual Codes (describe the following elements of mise-en-scene)

The Jonathan Ross Show

  • Set/location of the production
The set of the show is a simple modern looking set with a backdrop of London with a couch for the guests to sit on while being interviewed.

  • Colour pallette and tone used within the show
The colours consist of purple, blue and orange.

  • Hair and make-up
Im guessing they get their make up and air done back stage.

  • Clothes
Most of the guests and the host wear formal clothes.
  • Presenters performance
The host asks the guests questions in order to get and interesting response.`0

  • Camera
Multiple Shots. Live edited.

  • Shot types
There isn't really much variation when it comes to the shots.

  • Positioning
The positioning of everyone is the middle of a stage. The cameras are all facing the guests and the host.

  • Movement
The movement of the guests on the show is just them sitting and talking. Apart from that the only movement of the guests

  • Framing

  • Depth of field

  • Editing

  • Pac

  • Transitions

  • Continuity/editing matches (Eyeline matches?) 

  • Shot duration