Thursday 21 September 2017

1. Evidence of me taking part include Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC. U1.1.2

2. Write up your experience of the following..

2a Discuss any research that you carried out in these sessions: U2.1.1,
When editing a video on "Premiere Pro" we were given a tutorial from Stefan which can be classed as secondary research. This helped us set up the project to have the right settings. The video contained stuff like how to configure the resolution and refresh rate of the video to make it look better. I already had a fair amount of knowledge about Premiere but this helped me further my knowledge as i learnt how to view the wavelengths of each audio track which i then used to pinpoint certain points in a song so i could sync it up to the video i was editing.

The only primary research that was used was asking about photoshop shortcuts in order to make the whole editing a photo process a lot quicker. I learnt how to save by using a shortcut which meant i could make sure by saving i wasn't going to lose any work i had done. I also learnt about using the transform shortcut to reshape different layers on the pictures i was working on.

Now list Primary and Secondary sources U2.2.1



2b Discuss any skills that you have tried: U2.1.1

2c Discuss any processes and methods you used (Photography wet process, Screen Printing, Photoshop layering etc): U1.1.1

What is your understanding of these?:


2d Discuss the tools that you used (Paint, Material, Software, etc): U2 3.1

Evaluate your use of them 

How effective were you with this tool?

How could you improve your use of the tool?

    Wednesday 20 September 2017

    Review On Crime Video


    When using Adobe premiere pro for the first time at college we had to edit a short one minute video that we shot about any sort of crime. I already had a fair amount of knowledge of how to edit videos and add effect but I learnt a few more technical things that I did not know before. I learnt how to view the wave lengths each audio track making it easier to pin point certain points in a song.
    I learnt more about the rendering process and how to configure the video to export with the right settings making the video look better.

    When editing the video I furthered my knowledge on how to move different pictures like PNG across the screen using the time stamp tools in the effect menu.

    The video I edited was inspired by a horror movie and used that to help me create the sort of scary crime atmosphere.
    - Harley M




    We have been asked to find a picture of nature. For this I found a 4K image of a water droplet. We were then asked to find a picture of a face. For that I used a 4K picture of Mark Zuckerberg. These are the two pictures.

    This is the final creation... I call him Mark Waterburg.
    To do this i cut out Marks face. After that i used the transform shortcut to shrink his face. I put down the opacity to around 60% and changed the Color of his face to blend in with the water.


    F = Fullscreen
    Zoom in/out = cmd +/-
    Fit to screen = cmd 0
    Transform = cmd T
    Select all = cmd A
    Copy = cmd C
    Paste = cmd V
    Cycle Through Files = cmd `

    Non-destructive editing
    Editing a image without deleting and part of the image.

    Adobe Illustrator
    Photoshop is dependant on pixels however illustrator is not.
    Here i have used illustrator to create multiple layers that were used to recreate my eye. I had to use the pencil tool to outline the different sections of my eye. I then used coloured in the different sections.


    Maya is a 3D modelling and animation application.
    Here i have set Maya to navigate with a one button mouse.


    Settings = cmd + ,
    Zoom in/out = hold cmd + alt
    Navigate = hold alt + cmd
    Rotate = hold alt

    Here i created a short animation of a shape that is pulsating. To do this i had to change where the shape was and the shape for each frame. I then played it and the animation was complete.

    Today I learnt more about Photoshop then I already did, for example, I learnt how to use different shortcuts that allowed me to do a verity of tasks a lot faster then before.
    I also learnt how to redraw images on adobe illustrator. I also learnt some short cuts on that also allowed to finish tasks quicker.
    Finally we used Maya to have a quick go at animation. Not much was done but most of us in the class created a pulsating sphere.

    - Harley M